Caldicott Process

What is it?

In 1997 the Chief Medical Officer commissioned a report due to increasing concerns about the way patient information was used within the NHS.  The Report on the Review of Patient-Identifiable Information was subsequently published by the Caldicott Committee, chaired by Dame Fiona Caldicott.  This identified a number of recommendations, including six principles (a seventh was added in 2013) regarding the use of confidential information.

Justify the purpose(s)

Access to patient identifiable information should be on a strict need to know basis

The duty to share information can be as important as the duty to protect patient confidentiality

Don’t use patient identifiable information unless absolutely necessary

Everyone should be aware of their responsibilities

Use the minimum necessary patient-identifiable information

Understand and comply with the law

It is recommended that each health organisation has an individual nominated to act as a guardian, responsible for safeguarding the confidentiality of patient information.  This individual is referred to as the Caldicott Guardian, and oversees all access to patient identifiable information.  The role is a key component to establish the highest practical standards for handling patient information in NHS Tayside.

Who needs it?

Any project requiring access to or recording of patient identifiable information needs Caldicott Guardian approval

How do I apply?

Complete the application form and submit to the Information Governance Team.  Further information and guidance on completion of the form, as well as a checklist of additional information required can be found in the NHS Tayside Caldicott Approval Procedure policy below.
For further information please contact: